Linecasting Machinery Ltd.
Specialist Engineers  & Suppliers to the Printing Trade
Established 1962

Welcome to Linecasting Machinery Ltd

Linecasting Machinery Limited is a family owned company with over 50 years experience in supplying equipment, spare parts, and technical advice to the printing industry.

Our reputation has been built on attention to detail and thoroughness in all aspects of our business, whether it is our rebuilding of machinery or our assistance in sourcing the right equipment for your needs, you can be assured of our professionalism in every facet.

Originally supplying only Linotype and Intertype hotmetal typesetting (or line casting machines), we now supply machines and spares from a whole range of leading manufacturers.

Letterpress and Printmaking Services (LPS) has been established as an addition to Linecasting Machinery Limited to cater for the resurgence in Letterpress, supplying equipment such as proof presses, treadle presses, galley racks, type cabinets, furniture, quoins and all manner of misc items associated with the home and commercial Letterpress market.

For any of your printing or finishing needs please contact us on the details below.

Contact Us

Linecasting Machinery Limited

Unit 18B, Barton Business Park, 

New Dover Road, 




01227 450511


Letterpress and Printmaking Services


01227 450511
